Thursday, February 14, 2008

Getting There...

i am close to being caught up...i was going to take a photo of my valentines that i gave to my husband and parents. It was a few bottles of wine and some homemade chocolates. Some of the chocolates did not work out and some well, some looked like animal scat - but that is okay (i keep telling myself that). It is the thought that counts and i firmly believe that days like valentines should be spent on homemades and simple pleasures and tidings and love. Why do we need a specific day to celebrate love and shouldn't we celebrate this love with gratitude and well wishes everyday?
That is why we as a family waited to have supper at 930 pm - when we were all done work - to spend the time together. That truly is what matters!! Together TIme!
So - Celebrate those relationships you have and celebrate them with simple pleasures and celebrate them with tidings of gratitude everyday, not just once a year on an occasion that is marketed for the masses!
A rather interesting bit aboutValentine
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!

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