I cannot believe these little brownies... they are so popular, in fact so much, they are flying off the shelves (I think they are taking over the store).
Insert story: I am not sure if you were ever in Brownies, but the little Brownies at night would do good deeds so that when everyone woke up in the morning, dishes would be washed and floors would be swept and such and stuff.
So that was my tale for the day, somewhat comical I hope?! I only wish the little Magnolia's were taking over my store in that way, but one can always hope, right?...
Nonetheless, they are popular. So, those that are calling, yes, Magnlia stamps are in store! Drop by and see which new ones' have come in. For those, who haven't gotten accustomed to their 'faceless' faces - you just got to!
Below are a few of the ones' we have received. Hope to see you soon.