Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Savor in the Kitchen

Here is a little taste of the line called "SAVOR".
The kitchen has always been the heart of home for me.
That is where all the treats were, where all the good smells come from,
and best of all, that is where our family gathered.
Not only for every meal, but we spent many hours around the kitchen table
playing cards, board games, learning to sew, and doing various crafts with mom.
And when other families came over to visit, the kitchen seemed the one place where everyone loved to sit and visit.
Growing up, we had one of those long narrow kitchens,
great for running in your sock feet and then s-l-i-d-e!
This paper line...SAVOR...brings back so many great kitchen memories.

If you have some good ol' kitchen memories, you just might want to stop into Scrap & Bean and pick up your fill of Savor papers. Great for scrapbooking those memories. Also great for creating family cookbooks, recipe favorites.....which make great Christmas gifts!
Happy Crafting!

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