Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Word Association

I thought of something the other day, when I was looking for new product to order. Then, I thought, ... I think this may be an idea for the blog?
Well, remember word association games? How does this correlate to scrapbooking, you may ask? Like this, I am going to give a word and then you will associate it with other words (of course) to create a layout.
For example,


what does this conjure? For me, relaxing, hot weather, cold weather (b/c we were in a deep freeze here), thoughts of hot weather, hanging out in front of the fireplace, singing around the campfire, chattin' with friends, palm trees, taking photos at a museum.

Now with those descriptors, I will create a layout for next week. And, I may just use 'chillin' on the page?!

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